Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Welcome to BlueStoneCommerce Cages!


BlueStoneCommerce Cages is committed to providing guinea pigs a larger and healthier environment through our Cubes and Coroplast designed cages. We have been fortunate to be able to share our house with many guinea pigs and a rabbit for many years. Therefore, we have a lot of experience providing a safe and healthy habitat for our pigs and bunny within our home.

We do not want to forget our fifteen pound terrier Cosmo. He has helped to test the strength of our cage lids for our buyers that have cats who jump on the lids to “view” the pigs. I can not say that our water frogs have helped test our cages as they live in an aquarium.

However, that reminds me of a very important tip I can pass along: Never ever house a guinea pig in a glass aquarium. The air can not circulate and the ammonia fumes from the urine can build up and be harmful to the respiratory system of your pig. So, I guess the frogs did help to remind us that the glass aquariums are only for animals that live in water.

Hope you enjoyed our video from the last post. After viewing it if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at bluestonecommerce@yahoo.com. We would be happy to help you!

Warmest Regards,
Nancy from BlueStoneCommerce Cages