Sunday, October 17, 2010
News Flash - Last 2x4 Colonial Cavy Cage GONE!!!
Is the Cavy Cage you want still in stock?
As you HAVE to know by now, BlueStoneCommerce (Nancy and Bob) are vacationing in Hawaii. And as you also should know by now (so you and your piggy would not be left without that perfect cavy cage) we stocked up on several cages before we left to be made available during our vacation. As of this writing, we have been gone just over a week now (and no way are we ready to go back to Michigan yet). The good news is that we still have all cavy cage models in stock. (However, two of our models only have one single cage left). So, again - good news - our guinea pig cages are not yet completely picked over - we still have all models in stock. However, some models are running extremely low. The other good news: We will be back in full operation on Oct. 25, 2010. So if the particular model of cavy cage you're looking for gets sold out; we'll be up and running again in the very new future. To paraphrase Arnold Schwarzeneggner: We'll be bock. Want to see our helicopter ride over Kauai and also learn a little more about our vacation stock of cavy cage? <--CLICK HERE Aloha, Bob and Nancy |
Friday, October 15, 2010
You should never let your guinea pig outside of their cavy cage...
Okay, sure, they need to get some daily floor time outside of their cavy cage to make sure they get adequate exercise. I mean you shouldn't let them out of their cavy cage unsupervised or they'll do stupid things. Not that they're stupid - they just have trouble with technology - things that don't exist in the wild - things like electrical wires and toxic chemicals. See how our Roadents deal with technology (windshield wipers) when they spend time outside of their Winnebago unsupervised... |
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
HURRY! Choose your Cavy Cage before they're all picked over...
Monday, October 4, 2010
Only a FEW DAYS LEFT of full guinea pig cage selection...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Who's going to take care of the 5 pigs in the big guinea pig cages at home?!!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Safety First! Guinea Pig-Proofing Your Home
So, I'm sure you agree, your cavies shouldn't spend all of their time in their cages for guinea pigs. But, the fact remains, they will still spend most of their time in their cages. So those cages should be good, comfortable, roomy cages. And the C&C cage is the best cage to fulfill this need.
Read more about C&C guinea pig cages HERE --> Cages for Guinea Pigs - What Features are Important in a C&C Guinea Pig Cage?
Sorry - another Guinea Pigs Cages test post
Keep your pigs from getting injured! Your C&C cages for guinea pigs may SO need a bottom!
Here's a reminder - don't get caught without a cage...
When are big guinea pig cages ABSOLUTELY necessary? When you have...
Cages for Guinea Pigs - This one is a really interesting and unique guinea pig habitat...
OTHER PEOPLE's cages for guinea pigs - Good ideas / bad ideas
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Communicating with Cages for Guinea Pigs
Autumn is the season to think about new cages for guinea pigs
Friday, September 17, 2010
How to organize cages for guinea pigs - watch this video...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Ya - What big guinea pig cages you'd need to house THESE guys...
Like I said in the title - you'd need big guinea pig cages if you wanted to keep these guys at home. And, as you probably know by now, the most economical way to afford big guinea pig cages is to get a C&C cage.
Of course, BlueStoneCommerce has a big selection...
You might want to READ about them HERE---> Big Guinea Pig Cages - A Must for Guinea Pig Health
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Are big guinea pig cages as large as a Volkswagon?
Monday, September 13, 2010
WARNING! C&C cage shortage scheduled for October 7, 2010...
Sunday, September 12, 2010
WARNING!!! Mr. & Mrs. BlueStoneCommerce Going to Hawaii
What does that mean to you? It means a smaller selection and limited quantity of guinea pig cages while we’re gone.
We plan to pack a limited number of our popular models before we leave. And we have contracted with someone to fulfill orders for us while we’re gone – so we don’t leave our potential piggy customers high and dry.
But, when the supply is gone – it’s gone. Also – we won’t be able to handle special options – like chew-resist upgrades. We simply won’t be there. So…
If you have a particular guinea pig cage model in mind, or a particular option…
You have until Oct 6, 2010 to order.
Click on this LINK--> Money-Saving Guinea Pig Cage Special Offer
Are our guinea pigs spoiled?
Friday, September 10, 2010
The BlueStoneCommerce guinea pig roster...
Are your guinea pigs hiding in their cavy cages because they're afraid of aliens?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
I absolutely dread, hate, DESPISE doing this guinea pig task...
Did you know skin tumors are kind of common in guinea pigs?
We're all worried about our pigs' health and welfare. Regular vet visits are a must. But the best thing you can do on a daily basis is provide a healthy living environment. And healthy environments begin with big guinea pig cages. Big guinea pig cages are a key to both physical and psychological guinea pig health.
Read more in this EzineArticle publication: Big Guinea Pig Cages - The New Standard. <--CLICK on this LINK to read.
Also, while you're in the link-clicking mood...
For a large selection of innovative C&C big guinea pig cages - visit BlueStoneCommerce today.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Yah - Our guinea pigs don't know how to drive either...
Monday, September 6, 2010
Maybe big guinea pig cages can bring out the star in your cavy...
Sunday, September 5, 2010
If your guinea pig habitats are too small, your pigs won't be able to play "Eye Spy" - like these guys...
See why outdoor guinea pig habitats are not the best idea...
Saturday, September 4, 2010
BlueStone guinea pig habitats - we demand safety - just like Buttercup...
This is why we do what we do...
Just wanted to drop you a note and a few pictures ….
We got our new cage yesterday and set it up in a jiffy. The directions were user-friendly and VERY easy to follow. Our guinea pigs are going to just love this once they figure it out; they had such a small cage before that they are simply baffled with the amount of space they have to run! I just love to sit and watch them now. Before, the other cage just didn’t make that possible. I am also excited about the prospect of having an easy cleaning experience (if it’s okay to be excited about something like that). Thank you for offering such an awesome product for a value price (and pre-scoring the bottoms of each level)—nowhere else can a person get as roomy of a cage for the price! My guinea pigs are going to love this cage for many years!
Thank you--Kerey Nicholas
Friday, September 3, 2010
One of the big guinea pig cages - but interesting for TWO OTHER reasons...
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I bet Sheila could find guinea pig cages for sale...
Even the best Cavy Cage might not be able to hold a pig in this condition...
SO much more than rodent cages...
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Desperate need for BIG Guinea Pig Cages
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Did you know you can get TWO YEARS for cruelty fo your guinea pig?
Monday, August 30, 2010
Definitely DO NOT try this at home...
What if cages for guinea pigs had stereos in them?
After you've finished the video, you might want to learn more about C&C cages for guinea pigs.
CLICK on this LINK--> Cages for Guinea Pigs - What Features are Important in a C&C Guinea Pig Cage? to take you to an informative article by BlueStoneCommerce.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
C&C Cages for Guinea pigs
Want to know about C&C Cages for Guinea Pigs? Read this --> Cages for Guinea Pigs
What do Beef, fish, Winnebagos have to do with Cages for guinea pigs?
People are amazed at the size of these guinea pig cages for sale...
Of Husbands and Other Rodents
I know it's in bad taste to laugh at this, but...
(Editors Note: It's important to today's stress-filled world to avoid unneccessary anxiety and tell you ahead of time: No actual guinea pigs were harmed in the making of this news item.)
Bugs on the windshield? See how these two guinea pigs deal w a similar issue...
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Two pigs escape guinea pig cage and drive away in Winnebago...
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Teach Your Guinea Pig to Do Tricks
C&C Cages for Guinea Pigs - What are they?
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Interested in Big Guinea Pig Cages? Here's a really BIG one...
Friday, August 20, 2010
Cages for Guinea Pigs - Pet Store vs C&C
If you're interested on more info on large C&C cages for guinea pigs ,<---CLICK on that LINK to read more...
Cages for Guinea Pigs - Pet Store vs C&C
If you're interested on more info on large C&C cages for guinea pigs ,<---CLICK on that LINK to read more...
Big Guinea Pig Cages or Exercise - One or the Other
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I think this could possibly be my favorite guinea pig VDO of all time - found it last year on YouTube - But I still love it today...
as always, lots more guinea pig cage info available from http://BlueStoneCages.com
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Cavy Cages — How to Build a C&C Cage
Buying your cavy cages from the pet store or department stories is usually not the best choice for your guinea pig. Almost all rodent cages available in retail stores are just too small for a full-grown adult cavy. Large manufactured cavy cages are difficult to find or too expensive. So many people these days are turning to do-it-yourself C&C guinea pig cage projects to provide adequate housing for their pets.
Why not visit BlueStoneCommerce today? They are a highly recommended C&C cage seller. And more importantly — they are guinea pig owners. All of their cages are designed with both the guinea pig and guinea pig owner in mind. For more information on how to build your own C&C guinea pig cage, CLICK HERE--> Cavy Cages - The Basics - How to Build a C&C Cage <-- READ THIS
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Guinea Pig Cages for Sale - We've reached Number 1000!
Cages for Guinea Pigs — Why are People so Excited About C&C Cages?
Monday, August 16, 2010
Rodent Cages – No Place for Our Guinea Pigs
Those little pet store rodent cages are not good enough for our pigs. I hope you’ve gotten the word by now!!!
When you get a guinea pig from a pet store (next time consider a guinea pig rescue shelter), they usually try to sell you one of those tiny little rodent cages. Well, common sense should tell you they’re way too small for an adult guinea pig to live in. Waaay too small.
Read what I’ve got to say about this very issue of people trying to jam their guinea pigs into tiny little rodent cages…
And just how do you find a great C&C guinea pig cage? ß CLICK HERE to visit the BlueStoneCages website for more info…
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Cavy Cages - A Question About Coroplast
C&C Cavy Cage - A Lot of Cage for the Money
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Cavy Cages – Modern Technology Comes to DIY Guinea Pig Cages
Cavy cages have traditionally come in two styles – the old wood and chicken wire cage, often called a guinea pig hutch; and the tiny rodent cage that we inevitably see on display in the pet store. I am here to tell you by way of this post that in this modern world, those two guinea pig cage technologies have become obsolete.
Perhaps you’ve heard of C&C cages. They have been taking the guinea pig cage market by storm over the past several years.
C&C stands for cubes and Coroplast — the two primary materials used to construct a C&C cage. Cubes refer to the metal grids used to construct household storage cubes or retail store display cubes. These metal grids are used to form the structure and enclosure of the cage.
Coroplast is a corrugated plastic sheet material and is used to form the litter containment tray or bin in this type of cavy cages.
The major advantage of this style of cage is that it is cost-effective. One can build a very large cavy cages for a very little amount of money invested. In fact, this style of cage was originally invented by a guinea pig rescue organization who needed an economical way to house a large number of guinea pigs. Since an enclosure of this type was not available on the market, they simply invented it and built it themselves.
Since that day, thousands of do-it-yourselfers have followed their lead and are building their own cubes and Coroplast cages. You too can join the guinea pig cage revolution the “easy way” by visiting BlueStoneCommerce to see their large selection of C&C cage kits.
Read more about the cage revolution — CLICK ON THE LINK directly below…
Cavy Cages –The Cubes and Coroplast Guinea Pig Cage is Sweeping the Market
Cages for Guinea Pigs – How to Choose One
Several factors should be considered when picking out cages for guinea pigs. The first thought that may come to mind may be to insure that the cage is sturdy and sound so the guinea pig cannot escape. While this is certainly an important criterion, unless your guinea pig possesses the strength of the mighty Hulk, most cages can easily satisfy this requirement.
But there are, however at least four other not-so-obvious factors that should be addressed when choosing cages for guinea pigs. In fact, this article Cages for Guinea Pigs – What Features are Important in a C&C Guinea Pig Cage? addresses these four factors and answers most of the questions you may have in regard to your next guinea pig cage purchase.
One of the criteria discussed in the previously mentioned article is obvious — size. The cage should be spacious enough for your guinea pig(s) to live comfortably and to get adequate exercise. Many new guinea pig buyers (and by that I don’t mean pig buyers from New Guinea) make the “rookie mistake” of buying the standard pet store cage. This tiny little cage is much too small to house a full-grown guinea pig. In a few short weeks, your pig will have outgrown this tiny “baby cage” and will be having difficulty maneuvering around its tiny living quarters. At this point, you may find yourself out shopping for a new cage…
So, whether you are contemplating buying a guinea pig or you have already made the dreaded rookie mistake of buying that tiny pet store rodent cage, you will need to do some research to help you choose a quality guinea pig cage. The article Cages for Guinea Pigs – What Features are Important in a C&C Guinea Pig Cage? can certainly help. <-- CLICK HERE to read it.
Cages for Guinea Pigs – Should I Buy that Cage at the Pet Store?
Where do we go to buy cages for guinea pigs? Most of us think first of the pet store. Very often, we end up with that “bargain” starter package — you know — the one with an animal, a water bottle, a food dish, a bag of food and that tiny little rodent cage that gets passed off as a suitable home for your new little pet.
We tend to accept these tiny cages as suitable cages for guinea pigs because that’s simply what we’re used to. Ever since we were small, guinea pigs were housed in these little cages — besides… the guy at the pet store said it was okay.
But it’s not okay. Do a fast experiment for yourself — right there in the pet store if you want to. Take one of those small manufactured cages and start carrying it up and down the aisles.
Throw in a nest box. Then grab a food dish and toss that in too. Hang a water bottle and a hay rack on the inside. Then toss in a couple guinea pig toys — not large ones — just a couple small ones to amuse the pig. Now look in there. Where is there room for the pig? Do these really look like cages for guinea pigs? Or do they look like cages for hamsters? Or mice?
And, while we’re on the subject: there really should be two pigs in there. Guinea pigs are very social creatures and do much better when they have at least one companion.
So, as you can see, cages for guinea pigs need to be much larger than these tiny store-bought rodent cages. And they can…
The solution? See this blog post Cages for Guinea Pigs – Different from Other Cages for the answer. Your pigs will be happy that you read it.
Don’t miss it… CLICK HERE NOW to read it --> Cages for Guinea Pigs
Monday, May 24, 2010
Guinea Pig Supplies – Which Bedding Do You Choose?
Guinea pigs poop every six seconds. Okay, maybe that’s not entirely accurate. But if you’ve ever owned a guinea pig or two, you know what I mean. It seems like, for every pound of food you feed them, you get back two pounds of feces and a quart of urine. That’s why bedding or litter is one of the essential guinea pig supplies you will need. But all bedding materials are not created equally.
Sure guinea pigs are cute and lovable. But they’re also messy. One day you finish building that clean and pristine C&C guinea pig cage and within an hour it looks like the bleacher section in a post-Super Bowl football stadium. Although bedding is one of the most mundane guinea pig supplies, it is also one of the most critical in terms of your guinea pigs’ health. Bedding serves as the “toilet” in your cavy’s cage. It will help keep the cage clean and dry but, if not chosen with care, bedding can also be a health issue for your pigs.
Clay Cat Litter
When people think of bedding, many immediately think of the old-fashioned kitty litter. Clay bedding is very dusty and presents a respiratory health risk for your cavies. Clay cat litter should definitely be avoided.
Cedar Shavings
Cedar shavings are a popular bedding material because the familiar cedar scent helps to cover odors. Unfortunately, that distinctive cedar scent comes from toxic cedar oils. Many small rodents are allergic to wood oils. These oils can cause respiratory problems, rashes and other medical problems. Cedar is a hazardous bedding material that should be definitely avoided.
Pine Shavings
Like cedar, pine also contains wood oil. Although not as toxic as cedar shavings, pine shavings still appear to represent a health risk for your pet. Some debate still exists regarding pine shavings. And conclusions are not as definitive as for cedar shavings. But, if you are interested in creating a healthy home for your pets, pine shavings should still be avoided because they pose at least a potential health risk for your pet.
Aspen Shavings
Aspen is a hard wood. As such, it does not contain the harmful oils that are present in cedar and pine. This is evident because aspen wood (and the shavings) are not nearly as aromatic as the other two varieties. Because it is lacking harmful wood oils, aspen bedding is perfectly acceptable as a bedding material. The downside is that it tends to be a little pricier than cedar or pine shavings.
Paper Bedding
Paper bedding is made from recycled paper or from wood pulp fibers. This type of bedding is the preferred bedding material in terms of health, safety and performance. Because it is compressed during manufacturing, it is a low-dust bedding. It is highly absorbent. These types of bedding retard the formation of ammonia gas from urine—which can be harmful to your pet. Some brands also contain odor-reducing agents.
When it comes to guinea pig supplies, bedding tends to be one of the more unglamorous items. But it plays a very important role in terms of your guinea pigs’ health and welfare.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
BlueStoneCommerce Guinea Pig Supplies Video Links
Just a short note to let you know that BlueStoneCommerce has produced a few informational videos on Guinea Pig Supplies (and we are in the process of producing more). Here are links to the videos - you can choose your favorite video website to view them on...
TITLE: Guinea Pig Supplies - The Essentials You Need to Start
CLICK THE LINK to watch on: YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace and DailyMotion
TITLE: Guinea Pig Supplies - What You Need to Get Started
CLICK THE LINK to watch on: YouTube, Yahoo, Metacafe and DailyMotion
TITLE: Guinea Pig Supplies - Guinea Pig Hay Types Explained
CLICK THE LINK to watch on: YouTube, Yahoo, MySpace, Metacafe and DailyMotion
Guinea Pig Supplies – Selecting a Water Bottle
There’s one thing to remember when purchasing guinea pig supplies: a water dish is fine for a dog or a cat—but highly inadvisable for a guinea pig for at least two reasons. 1) Cavies tend to knock dishes or bowls over quite frequently and 2) they tend to defecate often—and all over the place. (Yes, even in their food and water dishes.) For these reasons, when selecting guinea pig supplies, you would be well-advised to avoid water dishes or water bowls and to equip your cage with a top quality water bottle.
Water Bowls—The Downside
Yes, you can put water in a heavy ceramic bowl to make it difficult for your guinea pigs to knock over. And you can even rationalize that it’s a better system for them because it looks more natural to watch them drink from a bowl than a water bottle. In the wild, they would have lapped up water from a pond or a stream—not sucked it out of a metal tube. But when the day is done, you will still be faced with a filthy water bowl; heavily contaminated with hay, feces, bedding and any other debris that your pigs can manage to fling in there. Yes, our cavies can be (dare I say it?) such pigs.On the other hand, if your pigs do manage to flip the bowl over (and it’s very probable that they will), it will cause a wet spot in the bedding that can became an appealing breeding ground for mold, fungus, or other undesirable life forms.
The solution, of course, is to use a water bottle with a stainless steel ball bearing sipper tube. This will keep the water protected from contaminants. And, because it attaches to the wall of the cage, it will be free from spills.
Although a bowl is not suitable for offering water to your pigs, it is still a handy item to have. It is a good idea to put a small, heavy dish or bowl directly under the end of the sipper tube to catch excess water. If you watch your guinea pigs drink from their water bottle, you will observe that they do not gently lick the ball bearing end of the sipper tube. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. They aggressively attack the sipper tube. They chew on it. They shake it. They chomp, munch and crunch away at it until their thirst is quenched—all the while splashing, slopping and drooling excess water out of the lower side of their mouth because, as I said earlier: cavies can be such what? Right! Pigs.
When shopping for guinea pig supplies, be sure to select a top quality water bottle to reduce the probability of leaking. Yes, water bottles do leak occasionally. But if you find a wet area forming beneath your water bottle, suspect your guinea pigs’ drinking technique first. As I mentioned earlier, a bowl placed underneath the sipper is the solution. But make sure the bowl is heavy and sturdy as your pigs will most likely stand on it to drink.
Water bottles are available in several different styles with a variety features.