Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Who's going to take care of the 5 pigs in the big guinea pig cages at home?!!!

Since we announced that we're going to Hawaii, people have been wondering - who's going to take care of your five pigs - and Cosmo the Wonder Pig (our dog)?
You can't just leave them in their big guinea pig cages at home alone!!!
Well, it's okay. Our two adult children will be home to care for all the pets. They are both attending nearby colleges and they've taken care of the pets many times before.

So - bottom line - all is okay. Don't worry. Our pets will be cared for and will have lots of company and attention from the people they live with every day.

By the way, time is short. If you're interested in big guinea pig cages, you had better order soon. October is coming fast.
CLICK HERE NOW---> Big Guinea Pig Cages available at BlueStoneCages.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Safety First! Guinea Pig-Proofing Your Home

Sure, you need large cages for guinea pigs. They need room to exercise and move around throughout the day. But they also need dedicated exercise time - time when they get the free-run of a room. But before you let them out of their cage, you need to pig-proof the area. Here's some tips I found at GoArticles.com...

So, I'm sure you agree, your cavies shouldn't spend all of their time in their cages for guinea pigs. But, the fact remains, they will still spend most of their time in their cages. So those cages should be good, comfortable, roomy cages. And the C&C cage is the best cage to fulfill this need.


Read more about C&C guinea pig cages HERE --> Cages for Guinea Pigs - What Features are Important in a C&C Guinea Pig Cage?

Sorry - another Guinea Pigs Cages test post

You don't have to read this.. I'm just trying to iron out some technical stuff around posting...

Just so it's not a total waste, You can read this while I test---> Guinea Pigs Cages - Not What They Used to Be

Keep your pigs from getting injured! Your C&C cages for guinea pigs may SO need a bottom!

From time to time, we here at BlueStoneCommerce get questions regarding the need for a bottom on cages for guinea pigs. We're not talking about the Coroplast plastic "bottom" (litter bin). We are talking about a grid bottom underneath the Coroplast.
Sure, there is the stability and structural integrity issue - but the far more important issue is that of your cavy's safety and well-being.
Watch this video for a dramatic (and potentially disturbing) consequence of using bottomless cages for guinea pigs...

Here's a reminder - don't get caught without a cage...

Just a reminder...
If you're looking to buy a C&C guinea pig cage soon...

REMEMBER - we'll have a limited selection for a while after 10-6-2010!!!

When are big guinea pig cages ABSOLUTELY necessary? When you have...

When are big guinea pig cages absolutely necessary? When you have BIG guinea pigs of course.

It's a good thing guinea pigs are herbivores - or this kid'd be a human fish stick.
Where can you get big guinea pig cages large enough to house this guy? One word...


But if you want some really big guinea pig cages - cages large enough to handle your pet cavies, visit BlueStoneCommerce.
Want to read about big C&C cages? CLICK HERE --> Big Guinea Pig Cages - A Must for Guinea Pig Health <-- READ THIS

Cages for Guinea Pigs - This one is a really interesting and unique guinea pig habitat...

Like I said, we at BlueStoneCommerce like to look at other cages for guinea pigs from time to time. This one is not practical for most homes - and would be very difficult to build. No idea where this is. The comments say "in Pisac, near Cusco" (which is still no help to me). But, when it comes to cages for guinea pigs, this one is certainly unique!

For lots of information on C&C guinea pig cages CLICK HERE--> Cages for Guinea Pigs - Different from Other Cages

OTHER PEOPLE's cages for guinea pigs - Good ideas / bad ideas

Here at BlueStoneCommerce, we like to study cages for guinea pigs - especially homemade ones. Manufactured cages for guinea pigs generally seem to us to be a) too small and b) not really innovative.

Here's a cage I found on YouTube with a cool floor-plan...

Just a couple no-no's first. It looks like they used electrical tape to bind some of the grids together. This can get chewed and/or eaten. Secondly, some of the floor areas are covered with wood. Yes, that's ton's better than a wire bottom because it won't harm fragile toes and feet, but wood absorbs urine and other liquids and thus, captures odors. For best performance, flooring should be waterproof and smooth.

One thing I like is the innovative layout. It has two balcony levels - connected by a bridge. BlueStoneCommerce has a very similar floor-plan in a futuristic-looking cage we call the Millennium 200.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Communicating with Cages for Guinea Pigs

As guinea pig owners, we have thought of putting a stereo nearby the cage to soothe the cavies. However, until watching this, we had never considered installing a CB. If cages for guinea pigs had integral CBs, maybe our pigs could stay in contact with their friends on the road...

I wonder - if cages for guinea pigs really had CB radios, would the arguing and shouting keep us up all night?

For more info on big C&C guinea pig cages vs small pet store cages, READ THIS--> Cages for Guinea Pigs - Why Do Small Cages Persist?

Autumn is the season to think about new cages for guinea pigs

Fall is the season when we start moving back indoors. After a summer of outdoor activity, it's time to get prepared for a cozy winter spent inside with our pets. And cages for guinea pigs are an important element in designing a comfortable, safe and healthy set up for your cavies.

And when it comes to healthy environments, nothing is healthier than a large cage with lots of room for exercise and adequate "psychological space". And C&C cages for guinea pigs are the ideal way to get a lot of cage for the money.

Want to know more about C&C cages for guinea pigs? Visit BlueStoneCommerce for info on this efficient cage technology.
Also, READ THIS article--> Cages for Guinea Pigs - Why Do Small Cages Persist? for more info on the big vs. small cage debate...

Friday, September 17, 2010

How to organize cages for guinea pigs - watch this video...

Now, this is not one of our BlueStoneCommerce cages for guinea pigs - it's a completely homemade cage. But look at the storage! Great idea to have the storage directly under the cage - for two reasons. Obvious reason #1: handy, convenient, nearby storage. Not-so obvious reason #2: It raises the cage up to waste level. Easier to interact with your pigs and maintain the cage - and no need for an extra table. Here at BlueStone Cages, we offer several cages for guinea pigs with integral storage bases.

Did you like that storage concept? Here at BlueStone Cages, we offer several cages for guinea pigs with integral storage bases.

For more info on cages for guinea pigs, READ this ARTICLE---> Cages for Guinea Pigs - What Features are Important in a C&C Guinea Pig Cage?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ya - What big guinea pig cages you'd need to house THESE guys...

Okay. They're not guinea pigs - although they are cavies. They're not rabbits - nor kangaroos...
They're kind of like a cross between... uh... okay, just read this news item...




Like I said in the title - you'd need big guinea pig cages if you wanted to keep these guys at home. And, as you probably know by now, the most economical way to afford big guinea pig cages is to get a C&C cage.

Of course, BlueStoneCommerce has a big selection...


You might want to READ about them HERE---> Big Guinea Pig Cages - A Must for Guinea Pig Health

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Are big guinea pig cages as large as a Volkswagon?

Wouldn't your pigs love it if people built big guinea pig cages as large as a Volkswagon? Sure they would. But do you think your pigs would start punching each other each time they passed one? What am I talking about? Watch...

Okay, maybe cavy cages aren't as large as cars. And maybe - just maybe - pigs don't talk and drive Winnebagos either. But here's something that is real: BlueStoneCommerce does build big guinea pig cages - C&C guinea pig cages to be exact.

And you can READ about them HERE---> Big Guinea Pig Cages - Available at BlueStone Cages

Monday, September 13, 2010

WARNING! C&C cage shortage scheduled for October 7, 2010...

Fair warning.

If you're in the market for a BlueStoneCommerce C&C cage, be forewarned that we will be conducting limited operations between the dates of Oct. 7, 2010 and Oct 24, 2010.
For additional info, CLICK HERE---> BlueStoneCommerce on Vacation

Sunday, September 12, 2010

WARNING!!! Mr. & Mrs. BlueStoneCommerce Going to Hawaii

Bob and Nancy (Mr. and Mrs. BlueStoneCommerce) will be going to Hawaii to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. They leave Oct. 7, 2010 & will be gone for 17 days.

What does that mean to you? It means a smaller selection and limited quantity of guinea pig cages while we’re gone.

We plan to pack a limited number of our popular models before we leave. And we have contracted with someone to fulfill orders for us while we’re gone – so we don’t leave our potential piggy customers high and dry.

But, when the supply is gone – it’s gone. Also – we won’t be able to handle special options – like chew-resist upgrades. We simply won’t be there. So…

If you have a particular guinea pig cage model in mind, or a particular option…
You have until Oct 6, 2010 to order.
Click on this LINK--> Money-Saving Guinea Pig Cage Special Offer

Are our guinea pigs spoiled?

I stumble down the stairs still sleepy at 7:00 AM. Our five guinea pigs can hear my footsteps on the stair. Usually Apple is the pig who begins the cacophony of wheeking from the large C&C cavy cage.

They demand food. All five of them wheeking and calling for food. Like young, spoiled children - give me food! Give it to me now!

Are they spoiled? Are they like little children throwing a tantrum? I don't think so. They're just hungry little guinea pigs and they're excited.

Actually, I love waking up to the sound of their wheeking. I think I'm the one that's spoiled.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The BlueStoneCommerce guinea pig roster...

Yes - that's what I said. I said roster. Guinea pig rooster just doesn't make any sense. And guinea pig roaster - well that's just sick!

Those of you who have been following us know that we have 5 adorable guinea pigs. Are you curious about their names? (Some people have asked). If so, I just posted their names on our site. CLICK on the LINK below to read about them...

Are your guinea pigs hiding in their cavy cages because they're afraid of aliens?

Are Pee Pee and Buttercup under attack from extraterrestrial pig predators?

Are your pigs scared? It's unlikely that they are under alien attack. However kind care from you and good terrestrial cavy cages will help make your pigs feel safe and secure. Guinea pig cages that are too small can be psychologically depressing to pigs. Large cavy cages can go a long way toward raising their spirits.

For more information on cavy cages, CLICK on the LINK to read this post: Cavy Cages - The Cubes and Coroplast Guinea Pig Cage is Sweeping the Market.  <-- CLICK HERE to read NOW.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I absolutely dread, hate, DESPISE doing this guinea pig task...

I hate to cut those nails. I know - it's not difficult. I'm just terrified I'm going to hurt one of them...
Here's a quick guide I found on clipping guinea pig nails.

To be honest, there's not enough detail for me - because I'm so freaked out about it to begin with. But, when you stop to think about it, it's really not difficult at all.

I mean, do you really need a 71-page illustrated, notated, hardcover instruction manual to... clip toenails?
...So it's probably good enough for you...

So - we've established I don't know much about toenails. What I do know about is guinea pig cages for sale. At BlueStoneCommerce, we've sold a lot of them - over 1000 C&C cages to be exact.
Come visit our blog and read about our 1000th cage-->  Guinea Pig Cages for Sale - More than 1000 Sold.

More on guinea pig health? CLICK this link--> Guinea Pig Skin Tumors

Did you know skin tumors are kind of common in guinea pigs?

According to Dr. Jerry Murray, DVM; skin tumors can be a common problem for guinea pigs. Read this article, and see some skin tumor photos (yuck!)...





We're all worried about our pigs' health and welfare. Regular vet visits are a must. But the best thing you can do on a daily basis is provide a healthy living environment. And healthy environments begin with big guinea pig cages. Big guinea pig cages are a key to both physical and psychological guinea pig health.

Read more in this EzineArticle publication: Big Guinea Pig Cages - The New Standard. <--CLICK on this LINK to read.


Also, while you're in the link-clicking mood...

For a large selection of innovative C&C big guinea pig cages - visit BlueStoneCommerce today.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Yah - Our guinea pigs don't know how to drive either...

You might feel bad for Pee Pee the guinea pig because he doesn't know how to drive...
But, not only can't our guinea pigs drive - they can't even talk...
We have five cavies at home (that's why we need such big guinea pig cages). And of the five pigs, you would think at least one would know how to drive - but no! That seems to be a rare guinea pig talent.
So, he doesn't know it - but Pee Pee is very lucky to have Buttercup. Otherwise they'd never get that Winnebago on the road.
Want to read an interesting article on big guinea pig cages?
CLICK HERE to read this EzineArticle---> Big Guinea Pig Cages - The New Standard.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Maybe big guinea pig cages can bring out the star in your cavy...

Okay, this is not mine - I found this on YouTube.
I know it's not for everyone.
To be honest, the first part of this VDO gives me a headache from all the quick cuts...
But the singing G.P. made me chuckle - starts at 0:45.

I know all of our guinea pigs have been singing (at least wheeking) since we put them into big guinea pig cages.
And did you know that big guinea pig cages are necessary for your pigs' health and well being? Here's an interesting article from EzineArticles--> Big Guinea Pig Cages - The New Standard.
Be sure to read it.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

If your guinea pig habitats are too small, your pigs won't be able to play "Eye Spy" - like these guys...

You know, if your guinea pig habitats aren't big enough, your pigs won't be able to play "Eye Spy" - like these fellas...

Remember: Large guinea pig habitats are best. You don't want your pigs repeating what Buttercup said:
"You know I used to play this with my father all the time. It was nice. There wasn't too much because... we were in a very small box."
For more on saving money on large guinea pig habitats read this --> Guinea Pig Habitats - One Reason Large Manufactured Cages Can Be Expensive.

See why outdoor guinea pig habitats are not the best idea...

Just another reason that we believe that all guinea pig habitats should be INDOORS.
Sorry to pass along another cavy tragedy... but we need to learn from these incidents...

At BlueStoneCommerce, we design all of our cages to be indoor cages because we believe that all guinea pig habitats should be indoor habitats. Besides predators, there are also the hardships of extreme temperatures and inclement weather.

See how to make your indoor pig habitats more stimulating - READ THIS--> Guinea Pig Habitats - Adding Fun Toys - by Kristen Matthews

Saturday, September 4, 2010

BlueStone guinea pig habitats - we demand safety - just like Buttercup...

Could there be guinea pig habitats any more unsafe than a moving Winnebago? Especially one being driven by a roadent?
Well, at least Buttercup has some standards for safety...

When it comes to safe and conveinent guinea pig habitats, no one builds a better one than BlueStoneCommerce.
Want to read more on guinea pig habitats? CLICK HERE--> Guinea Pig Habitats - Adding Fun Toys - by Kristen Matthews

Till next time - happy pigging,

This is why we do what we do...

There is absolutely nothing more satisfying than receiving an email like this:

Just wanted to drop you a note and a few pictures ….


We got our new cage yesterday and set it up in a jiffy.  The directions were user-friendly and VERY easy to follow.  Our guinea pigs are going to just love this once they figure it out; they had such a small cage before that they are simply baffled with the amount of space they have to run!  I just love to sit and watch them now.  Before, the other cage just didn’t make that possible.  I am also excited about the prospect of having an easy cleaning experience (if it’s okay to be excited about something like that).  Thank you for offering such an awesome product for a value price (and pre-scoring the bottoms of each level)—nowhere else can a person get as roomy of a cage for the price!  My guinea pigs are going to love this cage for many years!


Thank you--Kerey Nicholas

I love this part: "they are simply baffled " - that makes us feel so cool to hear that. Because those things that Kerey mentioned are exactly the things that we keep in mind while we're designing our big guinea pig cages.
Want to read more about our big guinea pig cages? CLICK one of the LINKS below:

Big Guinea Pig Cages - A Must for Guinea Pig Health
Big Guinea Pig Cages Available at BlueStoneCages

Thank you Kerey for taking the time to write to us. You made our day!


Friday, September 3, 2010

One of the big guinea pig cages - but interesting for TWO OTHER reasons...

Found this interesting C&C cage on YouTube. It's not what I would call one of the really big guinea pig cages - but it has a couple of interesting features I would like to point out...

It has a balcony level - this is a cool idea. Balconies and other second levels are a way of building big guinea pig cages without creating a giant footprint. (Same idea as a two-story house. Double living area without doubling the lot size [and the price])

Also want to point out this person's use of materials. Notice that the bottom level is not made of standard storage cubes. It's a pig-pen or pig-run that they have built upon. This may be a good alternative if you want to build a C&C type cage but can't find a source for grids in your area.

For more info on big guinea pig cages CLICK HERE--> Big Guinea Pig Cages Available at BlueStoneCages

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I bet Sheila could find guinea pig cages for sale...

Sheila? Who's Sheila?

Let Pee Pee and Buttercup - those zany out-of-control travelin' guinea pigs show you - in their latest Roadents adventure...

No need to go out driving around in your Winnebago to see guinea pig cages for sale.
VISIT BlueStoneCommerce TODAY. We have tons of C&C guinea pig cages for sale.
And you might want to READ THIS too --> Guinea Pig Cages for Sale - The Most Overlooked Factor...

Even the best Cavy Cage might not be able to hold a pig in this condition...

First rule of cavy care: Never give your guinea pig caffeine...
He will surely make a mess of his cavy cage - or - Winnebago?

Back on the road with Pee Pee and Buttercup...

You don't need a Winnebago to house your pigs. A C&C cavy cage should be sufficient. C&C stands for cubes and Coroplast? And what is Coroplast? CLICK ON THIS--> Cavy Cage - Some facts about Coroplast.

SO much more than rodent cages...

You've heard me say it before - C&C cages are so much more than rodent cages!
Have a look at this one - it's just a home-built do-it-yourself project. But it looks like a guinea pig city. It's like a guinea pig superplex!

Now you can see the advantages of C&C cages. And you can see that they are far superior to just your ordinary pet store rodent cages.
More info? C&C Cages are so much more than rodent cages. <-- READ THIS.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Desperate need for BIG Guinea Pig Cages

You think you have a need for big guinea pig cages!!! Think of the size you'd need for this huge-normous guinea pig relative...

Ya - that's right (and I quote) "The baby capybara could grow up to weigh as much as an adult man."
A bigger worry than finding big guinea pig cages - where are they gonna find a big enough nest box?!!!

For info on big guinea pig cages for normal sized guinea pigs READ THIS---> Big Guinea Pig Cages - A Must for Guinea Pig Health